28 Aralık 2008 Pazar

I went to jazz concert last weekend.It was performed in German Culture Center. It was very successful worth to watch.The group was consisted of three people.Tweo of them were men and Turkish,the other one was girl and German.They shared the instruments.Gökhan was playing string instruments,Murat was playing percussion instruments,Annete was playing wind instruments.They were very harmonious and impressive.Also they were very sympathetic toward us which,I think results from the majority of the group members being Turkish.The other thing that made the atmosphere really nice was Annete because she loves Turkey very much.Murat also enjoyed people there by making complicated explanitions about the instruments.All in all, it was a perfect performance and I hope they will come back.

Almost all of you have seen the snow.But I haven't seen untill last week. For I was born and lived in Aydın,I hadn't seen snow.So I was very suprised to see snow for the first time.It must really enjoyable to play with it.For example,I really want to make a snow man because I think that will make me feel relaxed.So I will make it soon:D:D:D

15 Aralık 2008 Pazartesi

I want to mention about the group Bridge ,in Türkish Köprü.It is the group of the people who takes scholarship from İstanbul Metu Graduated Assosication.Actually It is a real bridge beetwen village schools and METU.Every year the bridge group sets a library to a village school and the following year the group takes some of the students in that school and makes them visit Metu and the other decided places.In that time ,every student has the right to choose his or her sister or brother among the bridge members.They have personal relationship.The group members explain all the things they want . It may be about life ,üniversity,dreams about everything.The main aim of this group is making the students eager to study.Because usually the students coming from such villages are weak_spirited and their families also dosen't want education.So the group members mostly tackle with it.
I hate the place of the Faculty of Education and especially FLD.They are in a very bad location and their architectures are very simple compared to other buildings in METU.As you know the education language is English.However,the importance given to FLD and the students of it is very little!We can understand it from that example.All the students in METU consider FLD students as lazy students.I think for that reason,It is located almost in Eskisehir:D:D:D And also I want to add sth ,İt is erected later so I feel our department marginalized...

2 Aralık 2008 Salı

Should students take all the courses regardless of their branch?I think both departmental and nondepartmental courses are important for our education.Firstly,we should take the courses that are related to our department.In other words,they are some parts of our professional fields and we have to take these courses to make a good job.Furthermore,we should also take some courses that may not be related to our department.Because,a person can never be a real profession without knowing sth different from his or her field.A person should be sophisticated.But both departmental and nondepartmental courses should be selective.Students should be free to attend to the courses.And they should be free to elect the optional courses.And the students in nondepartmental courses shouldn’t be responsible for the exams.I think only in that way can students be happy and successful in the courses.
A lot of researches have been done over years to determine the impact that various colors have on the human mind.I want to mention about some of them.Firstly,Blue has a cool,cleansed,calm,relaxed,hopefull affect.Because we always associate blue with the sky.So it makes us feel calm .Brown is a direct color of nature so it gives off an earthan earth that brings comfort and support.However,fans of brown are known to keep emotions to themselvesand retreat from fear of the real word.These people suffer from lack of self_worth.Orange is widely known as the attention grabber and the stimulator of the mind and the body..Orange is an antidepressant color that lifts the sprit by giving off feeling of security,warmth,joy,humourand independence.When it comes to purple,it is a color of mixed messages coming from both red and blue.Purple mostly associated with those who are sexy,powerfull,and sophisticated.The most powerfull color among all the colors is red because of its ability to stimulate the heart and blood circulation so that it raises heart rates.Studies show that people who like wearing red are ambitious and want things to happen as soon as they utter.They want to be best.Actually,if you make a habit of wearing red,it may indicate that you place importance on sexual desire and eroticism.