12 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi

Every past time,we realize the scarcity of the water resourses in our country more obviously.The amount of rains are getting little and little.Also the greens become rare.In that case,we don't even care instead of forming a set of rules to make the forests,naturally the water resourses,more and more.I think the simplest thing is planting trees.It will make our hood both nice and healthy.The second thing to do is making people conscious about the stiuation.
Having friends from different culture is one of the best thing in the world.Because each person means a different style ,culture,country.Each one thinks different.They all say aword in a different way.So it means that you can learn many things from them.They can extend your point of view.For the sake of them, you can change your concept of life.For instance,what if you have an English and an Arabian friends in the same time?It would be exactly a fantastic experience.Because you are exposed to two totaly distinct culture.It will make you really a well_cultured person.

Does the weather effect the pyschological condition of the people in the world?If does, how?Yes it definitely has the affect on people.There are 4 seasons and each of them has a different affect.Firstly,in general spring awakes people.It makes people have the desire for life.So I think every spring means a new life.Summer is the follower of the spring.It doesn't have so many differences.It makes people feel good,too.All in all, if there is a sae, you must be happy.Secondly,autumn is the represantitive of love,especially the sade ended love.I don't know why,but I think that autumn makes the people emotional and sad.So in this season virtually everyone feels sth bad in themselves.When it comes to winter,I hate it.Winter is the worst season.People become depressive in it.Most of the time,you have to stay at home and watch the tv because of the bad weather conditions.So the best season is spring ,the worst is winter...

After the wheel,the telephone is considered by many to be greatest invention of all time.It allows instant ,direct comminication with virtually anyone,no matter where you are.The inventor of this method is Alexander Graham Bell,was born in Scotland in 1847.However,he spent most of his life in America , where he studied human speech in order to help the deaf.The development of the telephone was the indirect result of this research. The telephone was immediately successful after its apperance in the mid 1870s.Ten years after Bell had been provided a patent for his invention.Althoughit has been with us for over 100 years,its basic technology has changed very little . What has changed is the space over which the telephone can be effectively used.The long_distance problem has gradually been overcome over the years by using a number of different technologies including undersea cables and satellities.Today we tend to take the telephone for granted.We forget what an incredible device it really is.

Holding an executive positionis a significant achievement in terms of career.Reaching such a high position is usually the result of years of hard work.The main insentive for aiming for an executive position is the adventure of gaining extra power and responsibility.Addad to this ,an executive's salary is quite considerable and the privileges, such as a company car and a private office,can be attractive.However there are many drawbacks.The main one is the long hours a day ,six days a week and as a result their personel and social lives suffer.Executives also tend to suffer from stress and this ,combined with long hours and a generally unhealthy lifestyle,can affect their physicaland mental well_being.