19 Ekim 2008 Pazar

It is very nice to be a student in a foreign language department.I don't know whether it is because I love to learn different cultures and languages or not.But I know that it is very different from the other branches.Because when you are learning a different language , also you learn a different culture and different people.Meanwhile,your culture improves.Because in such stiuations people don't care about their financial positions,jobs,political views etc.And it makes them communicate easily.Maybe I love that side of learning foreign language.To sum up ,everyone should learn at least one language to experience the beauty of it.

17 Ekim 2008 Cuma

There are milions type of animals categorized scientifically in the world.But I want to make one more category in a unscientifical way.It is the category of the most intelligent and the funniest animal,monkeys.I think they are very funny.Because they act as if they were human and it makes me laugh very much.To make it clear, I want to share one of my experience about monkeys.When I went to Atatürk Orman Çiftliği, in Ankara , I gave bananas to two monkeys.They all took the bananas and the younger one ate it quickly.After that the older one took its banana and sat down crossing its legs , putting its hand on its head.And then ate its banana as if it wanted to make us jealous.And from that time I have begun to think that monkeys are intelligent animals.
Technology has changed our life so much.Especially,the internet has a huge effect on us.It has both good and bad sides in our life.In the good sides of internet, we can say the information we get through it.It gives us all the information we get from the books which are available in the whole world.Morever,from the facebook,in internet,we can find our ex friends and it makes us able to find new friends both national and international.When it comes to bad sides of internet,it makes people unsocial .For example;when doing an assigment collaboratively,people choose the internet instead of being together in a more social way.To makes the matters worse,people began to marry via internet.So the quality of marriage drops.For those things, we use it moderately not in a extreme way.

13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

The students in METU know that every year,students in different places meet and become friends but under a speacialized name in METU.For example,ODTU MÜNAZARA TOPLULUĞU or ODTÜ TİYATRO GRUBU.Thus,everyone can find their different world in a one world.It is a very nice thing that should be in a universty like METU! The organiziations like those I said before make people more social and active.Meanwhile;we can achıeve our universities goal:a student both social and successfull.
I want to mentıon about the character in AVRUPA YAKASI Burhan.His character is very orginal. In my opinion,he actually does his job in the best way..He plays his roles as if they were real.Sometimes he feels his roles so deeply that I can't beleıve whether it is really or not.It is the key to success.As a result,he is the best among the players in Avrupa Yakası and I love him very much.
One of the most controversial issue in our day is the condition of our environment.Firstly I want to say that it really gets dirted.Step by step it will become unbearable to live in.To make the matter worse,we have done it.If we think for a while and ask''what we can for that ''to ourselves,we can find the answer ''being conscious about the environment''To sum up,we should educate our generation about it.So the alteration is our hand.if we change ourselves,it will change,too.