24 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

I was bored.I tried to enjoy by listening some music.And I put my headphone on ,wore my glasses , took a book and went out.I went to a park.There were flowers and the weather was nice.I saw a seat among the flowers.I sat on it and started to read my book.After a while ,I was engrossed.Just in that moment,my mobile phone rang.It was my friend .She asked where I was.When she learned that I was in the park ,she got crazy and said that she wrote on her notebook that we were planning to go to Metu.I was shocked to hear it and immediately I went back to my home and weared sth else.After I took my bag and computer with me,I was ready to meet with her.We met and set off together.Our aim was to see the Ufo in Metu which is a kind of museum that looks like an real Ufo.After a curious glance ,we entered it and walked in front of the things that are shown there accompanied by a slow music composed by trombones.Among the things we saw ,there were some pieces that took my attention.One of them was the wand headed with a mouse!And another one was a tool shaped in a baby that wears a coat while showing it is rainy.It was very amazing tool to use in weather reports.I want to say that it was very enjoyable to see

Do people fall in love in first sight? I think,they don’t.They are only affected by the beauty,so we can’t say that it is love in the first sight.Because ,for normal people love should be a very different thing that should cover beauty,ambition,amity .But in such situations ,you don’t know even the character of the person you see .So it can’t or shouldn’t be love………For example,when we see a handsome boy, we say ”oo he is very handsome and even feel sth special towards him.But after a while ,we see his some bad characteristic features and naturally we begin to feel cool towards him.So desire can’t come into being.With this example,I want to show you that in the first sight, the only important thing is external apperance.Without the other things that I said before ,it is impossible to love somebody sincerely.To sum up ,I don’t believe it so much……..

18 Kasım 2008 Salı

Praat is the program we use in our listening and pronounciation course and I hate it.It has prounciations and the diagrams of them.You have to do the most similar one to the diagrams.So It has the capacity to make people get crazy.It has so many bad sides in fact.For example ,you can struggle with it for 7 hours for only the assigment of a week.What's more ,even that time most probably you can't have good results.So it turns out to be a big failure.To make the matters worse,it doesn't make any good for us..Because as you know English doesn't have only one correct way of prounciation and along with this ,the difference between the voıce of men and women creates problem. And when all of these awfull things combine ,there occurs sth unbearable ............
This week I want to tell you our both thought provoking and funny experience on monday .We were neslihan helin and me.The day was normal untill the moment that we decided to go out for three things.The most important one was Neslihan's taking objection for the scholarship of Odtü.But there was a problem.We didn't know the exact time of closing of the office .Morever, we even didn't know the place of the office and we had to hurry.In this rush,we were looking for a person to ask the office .We decided on a boy but it was some kind of failure.Because he answered us by saying that '' I don't know Turkish ,I dooon't'' .After this reply we laughed for minutes.And then we tried to ask again ,but this time to a girl ( to make change:)) Surprisingly ,this girl was also foreign and she also answered us by saying'' I don't know Turkish ''. This time was also very funny.After that time we have begin to ask the questions to ourselves '' why can't we speak Turkish in our country with everyone '' and '' why they don't know any word of our language while living and studying in our country?''.And also I want to ask these questions to you ''why?????''..........................

11 Kasım 2008 Salı

One of the biggest problem of the world is undoubtly terrorism.The reason why we have such a problem as terrorism is obvious.The answer of it is the uneducated generation.Maybe you will say that our education system is good,at least it isn't so bad to make people terrorist.But it isn't effective actually.That is,we can't educate our students well.And they don't know the importance of the hometown.Most importantly, we don't see our country as a whole with the differences among the people in it.So terrorism can occur easily.Also one of the main reason for terrorism is the financial stiuation of the individuals. If it is good you can easily cope with the terrorism.Because in that case people won't fell the need to attend to the groups of terrorist.So initally we should solve the financial and educational problems of our country
To be a student in ODTU......It is really good.But sometimes you say that ''ooo is it ODTU'' that we desired for years and studied very much for ?Yes, actually it is ODTU .Especially when you are in the ring,the free bus in ODTU, you usually wish that you were in Hacettepe in stead of ODTU.Because you without exaggeration get into the bus like sardiness.And always there are some people who want to go to the departments afoot even near the bus door.And you start to get mad from this moment.What's more ,a bus driver always says ''hocaaaaaam butun kapılar aynı yere gıdıyooooooooo cık cık cık Allahım ''.That moment all the people laugh everytime this event takes places.The strange thing is the driver says the same all the time without any change . To make the matters worse,when you are waiting for the ring in the early hours of the morning, an old man shows three dogs around in the car everymorning .The irony is hier: we are as human being pinched with cold,the three dogs go to see the hood.It really offends me.One more thing that I want to add to these opprobrium is that I hate the people that pass in front of me while I am waiting for the ring.I think the best thing to say in this moment is ''parasızlıgın gözü kör olsun hocam''.So that's enough for ODTU.To sum up,it is very nice to be a student in ODTU inspite of all these funny things.

2 Kasım 2008 Pazar

Many problems are facen with when learning a foreign language.Because of the differences between the languages , as learners of languages we have difficulties in understanding the rules and logic of languages.If you think for a while and ask the question that ''what kind of differences do people have? '', I can say many things.Firstly,there is a huge logic problem between the languages.For example,while some languages label things as female or male,others don't.Or while a language can call a crowd according to their having a man ,others don't.Morever,the generation of words changes according to the languages.Some of them generates words by adding appendix only to the end of the word.But some of them generates words by adding appendix both to the end of the word and beginning.The matters go so .Still, It is worth learning a language
Needless to say,teachers have an unbelievable effect on us both in good and bad way.Firstly;we can say that teachers are some kind of guides in our lives.They help us from the beginning of the education in schools to the higest level of learning.Morever;sometimes they can be more patient than all the other people in our life.Also ,because of us unfortunately they may be less interested in their own from time to time.Secondly,they are important in our life when defining our future or choosing our job or sth.like these.However;if we don’t love a teacher we will become cool towards the branch the teacher is interested in.So,while having capacity to achieve the goalsin the branch,we can tend to another branch which we can be less successful in.To make the matters worse;even we may not want to go school because of the teacher that we don’t love.To sum up I want to say that teachers are important to make a good decision in our life